Time marches on. The closing Week of this Year continues to move
forward. Each Day of Past is represented by a warrior, and thousands of
seasoned soldiers of Time congregate outside the walls of 2023. They camp in
groups, each bearing the flag of their tribe that graphically depicts their
commonality of Days in the Body of Time.
At the forefront is
the tribe of Destiny, a vibrantly jeweled collection of Days when one travels
Time on a certain and defined path into Future. This band of warriors holds a
common purpose in their hearts, to overcome any obstacle that lay before them
in Time to reach their eternal destination. A strong-willed army, they focus on
a vision of triumph, a glory that propels them through the circumstances they
encounter to reach the Promised Land, an eternal Utopia void of sorrow, pain
and suffering, broken relationships, heartache and death. Their leader, the
King of kings, rides the sole white horse and is a visible icon of strength and
power to all warriors of Time who will receive Him as their King.
The tribe of
warriors, positioned behind the crown of Destiny and centered amongst the
throng outside the gates of the New Year, is seasoned with Experience. These
soldiers are a network of intelligence factors, each contributing a specialty
of knowledge and understanding from the daily battles the Body of Time has
overcome. Experience communicates to the front lines of battle the strategy of
Victory, plans culled and developed from lessons learned from shattered dreams,
failed relationships, bankrupt financial ventures, and unhealthy lifestyles. A
collection of dos and don’ts amassed from a lifetime of successes and failures,
this history provides a road map through the journey into Future.
The right wing, the
tribe of Strength, contrasts sharply with their neighboring tribe of Experience
at the head, for their physique is matched by no other except the left wing,
who, like their brothers in Time on the right, protected this nation of Days
with their Perseverance. These two tribes work synergistically to protect and
hold the body of Days together. They move throughout the body of Time, wherever
a battle cry is heard to conquer Despair, the dark enemy of Past. Despair is
wily and sly, with its camouflaged team of snipers and sharpshooters that
infiltrate the body of Time with guerilla warfare. This cancerous invasion
could spread quickly without the fortitude of Strength and Perseverance.
Two columns extend
from the amassment of tribes that act as a rear guard protecting the body of
Time during their encampment at the gates of the New Year. Composed of Days who
previously held rank in the Strength and Perseverance battalions, they are
retired from the frontline wings of battle to support the Days with Hope and
During peaceful
times, the column of Hope is seen in congregational, intercessory prayer, their
swords strapped to their sides while lifting up petitions for the entire body
to the Father of Time, pleas for healing and comfort, sustenance and
protection, wisdom and discernment. From sunrise to sunset, audible appeals are
heard throughout the body. Round the clock, they continue their communion with
Father. At dusk, they quiet to silent meditation as Knights of the Great
Banquet Table take their positions of the watch and continue the chain of
prayer in silence, broken only by their hourly call of “all is well” in unison.
Each new Day as the sun crests over the horizon, Faithfulness
adds harmony to the prayers of Hope, a chorus of “Hallelujah!” ringing
towards Heaven, and praises of worship to their Creator and Provider, the One
and Only, the All in All. This band of Days is survivors, honorable comrades
wounded in battle, those afflicted with disease and healed, warriors of
Yesterday, yet capable with their strength in Faith to overcome the enemy of
Despair. The blend of prayer and praise add Spirit to the entire body, their
symphony of voices heard by the crown of Angels of Destiny and its jewel, King
of kings, at the head of this great nation.
At the heart of this
body of Believers are days of Love. Protected on all sides by Strength and
Perseverance, Hope and Faithfulness, guided by Experience, and led by Destiny,
this tribe of families, generations long, provide sustenance for the entire
nation. Its members circulate life throughout the body, delivering food,
clothing, and supplies. They act as a vessel of encouragement, sending letters
of requests and praise, testimonies of Father’s faithfulness to provide and
protect, and the Good News of grace, mercy, and forgiveness, a message of His
Love for all the Days of their lives.
The body of Time is
not unlike the herds that roam the wild, as the weak, aged, and diseased fall
behind and become prey to the enemy---Death---who continually pursues them.
Death serves a purpose for the body of Time, a means for eliminating the Days
that become useless, Days that completed their roles to develop
experience---Days of hate and malice, strife and anger, discontent and
frustration, loss and failure, worry and hopelessness.
Time marches on. While camped at the gates of 2023, the Days knew that to move forward into the New Year, unhindered by Past, only the seven Days of Destiny and Experience, Strength and Perseverance, Hope and Faithfulness, and Love should pass through. Alas, it is difficult for the body of Time to let go of Days not yet devoured by Death, Days that linger in Past, their usefulness is gone, yet the heart of Love is bound still.
The King of kings, riding His white horse across the front lines of Destiny, posts the noblest Knights at the gate’s columns and gives the command, “No Day shall pass through this gauntlet of Time that does not bear the name of Destiny, Experience, Strength, Perseverance, Hope, Faithfulness, or Love.” With His staff held high above His flowing white hair, he reigns the white horse on its hind legs and orders the gates of the New Year to open.
~May your New Year become a blessing of Days of Destiny and
Experience, Strength and Perseverance, Hope and Faithfulness, and Love. As you
ponder this metaphor on Time and the Days of your life, consider the Days that
should be left behind, holding onto the good of each Day, logging Experience,
marshaling Strength, concentrating Perseverance, building Hope, fueling
Faithfulness, giving Love, and following Destiny. Have faith in your Savior,
Jesus Christ, and allow Destiny to lead you through the New Year.
These words, stellar
rhema, were inspired by the Holy Spirit and scribed by Jeff Cambridge. All
praise to the King!
© Jeff Cambridge 2010