Monday, May 26, 2014

Hand in Hand

My life is changing. I feel the restlessness for breaking out of a cocoon of the past. I have been told who I am not, and I will not be branded by it. Feeling mired where I am, I will not remain stuck in it. As a caterpillar is transformed to have wings of liberty, I will escape that which has bound me as the person that I am no longer, one shackled by the people who imprisoned me with their false perceptions. With the transformation to a butterfly that is unrecognizable from what it was, I will escape the web that confined me and explore my new world with wings of freedom. I will meet new people that share common interests and develop deep friendships. I will not care what others think of me, for I am not a pawn to be sacrificed for someone else’s gain. I am a knight, a stellar knight who is called to a higher purpose. When confronted with an obstacle, I move left or right to overcome it to continue moving forward. This means I will need to leave some things behind, all that impedes me from flying with new wings. I will sail in a new wind of circumstances and put out new sails that harness the changing currents to move with purpose towards my destiny. The experience is in the journey, the destination one of faith that I see through my mind’s eye, my passion for it propelled by my heart’s desire.
What would I have gained to win such a worldly battle? My calling and my destiny will not be changed by man who is a mere obstacle that I overcome by moving left or right.  Victory is not an endpoint. I live in victory everyday as I leave behind the battlefield of someone else’s war. Let them count and bury the dead. My life is not of this world, it is stellar. Stellar is not who I am, it is my journey, my destiny, a daily progression of spiritual renewal and growth.
I recall a vision of me leading, a solitary figure seen from above moving towards an unseen goal. But I was not alone! People began to follow me, first one, then two, then a small group. And as time progressed through this vision, a throng was behind me, a mass following a cause, not a person, but a mission.
I will not focus on what I cannot do in the moment, but what I can do that aligns with the pursuit of my goal. My goal is not singular, but multifaceted like a diamond, all taken together as a symbol of beauty and symmetry purposely formed from the fire and pressure of my experiences.
I do not need anyone with whom to journey life, yet it is my heart’s desire to share love and the beauty of its treasure. I am a vastly unique and complexly romantic. Some may appreciate this, fewer will embrace it, and one will be able to receive this beauty as part of their own.
The course of my vision continues as I have not seen this before: There are those who follow but stop, others waver to the sidelines, but there is one who breaks from the pack in a run to meet the leader, to walk side-by-side and hand-in-hand. He didn’t need someone by his side to lead, but someone else had the passion to join him, not to change his destiny, but to partner symbiotically with the man who was leading the journey of her own.
This is true love, falling in step with someone, the rhythm of two hearts beating as one.

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