Sunday, May 14, 2017

Jeremiah’s Journey – 19: Take The First Step

I recently read a Facebook post about a man who overcame his drug addiction to narcotic pain relievers. He remarked that a doctor and preacher couldn’t help him. I believe he meant that it was not a medical problem, nor was it a spiritual one. What he needed to overcome his addiction was a decision that only he could make, and in his own strength he needed to take the first step, and to daily, continue his journey through withdrawal and beyond. He is now drug-free six months.  He credits his victory to himself. 
Someone commented on his post that God carried him in his darkest hour as if to say, “You didn’t do it, God did!” That relying on God to deliver him from his addiction is the appropriate belief as though to rely on one’s self is less worthy.
God created each one of us and gave us strengths and gifts, each one not like another. We are made stronger by the struggles that we encounter in life. Without resistance, a muscle grows weak and will eventually die. This man is now stronger than he was before, and as he stated, “Pain is real, but don't cave in, just push. Each day you don't take anything you get stronger. Believe me, it will get better, but you gotta want it.”
Without the strong desire for change, one is not going to change. Without taking the first step, nothing is going to happen. Those who are trying to profess their faith, often say, “Well, I keep praying for it, but nothing happens. It must not be God’s timing,” but with true faith, we have to get up and walk. Sometimes our waiting on God is actually God waiting on us . . . to do something He wants. This now drug-free man did meet with his preacher four times and lamented, “Go to your church and ask to talk to your preacher and see if, after four times of trying in your hour of need, you get, ‘I have not the time for you.’ ”
I have no doubt that during this man’s visits with his preacher, they prayed. They prayed for strength to overcome, deliverance from his addiction, and healing to restore his mind and body. And likely, the preacher recommended drug rehab as the solution. The preacher did his job as a spiritual leader and recommended people trained in a drug recovery program.
You see, it really is difficult to see God at work if your mind is numbed with narcotics as the now drug-free man professed, “Ten years that shit closed my eyes, but now my mind can see again.  This might offend some, but I don't care: When I turned to anyone, no one was there but me, and yes god was not there either, so after years of believing and seeing him turn his back on me, I turned my back to him cause god or a rehab is not gonna cure you, only you are. Sac it up and push through it, you will be amazed when you finally know that you can count on you again.”
Stay strong, man! 
You are courageous. God has your back on this even if that is all you show him. God loves you, and as your eyes open to the beauty of His creation, you will find that He is there with you. 
Praying for you!
The man replied to me: “It is not about a god who may or may not be there and it's not about paying someone who pretends to care for someone so they help, that's just about money, because if both things I just mentioned were truly what they should be (doctors and preachers), both would just show up. My point is, you gotta look inside yourself and decide that it's time for yourself just to get better, like I said, you gotta want it before you can get it.”
So true! 
If you want something, you have to take the first step. It’s like playing chess; you have to make a move to get a response. Waiting on God is a good thing. You don’t want to get in front of the truck that only God sees coming your way. And, you don’t want to get in front of His blessings for you. Why? Because then they are behind you. You missed the good fruit that God wanted you to pick.
Another posted this: “Congratulations. But who do you think carried you in your darkest hour? God didn't get you into it...he carried you out.”
The drug-free man responded: “No he did not I'm sorry to say, I mean no offense but I carried myself out, one has to remember you can only count on yourself and that's my point behind it all. I would believe if god had done it I would not have been blown off so to say like yesterday's trash in the garbage. Bottom line to people, if you wanna get better, look in the mirror and don't count on anyone but yourself cause at end of the day when shit hits the fan and splatters all around, you gotta clean your mess up no matter if you put yourself there or if someone else put you there.”
Both are right. 
The drug-addicted man did need to make that decision and he was strong in himself to take the steps he did, and the man is a son of God; he is a Believer. At times, all of us need to admit that we have been angry with God, but God does not turn His back on us when we turn our back to Him. Jesus proclaimed that none of His sheep would be lost. Jesus loves you, this I know . . . and you will someday return to Him. God bless you, man.
The man responded to me: “All I'm trying to say is that it's not about what you believe in or don't believe in, it's about being able to believe in one's self, and that's what most people lose, is that ability there. This country will give about anyone a pill to make something better, kind of odd how the two biggest killers are not black and white but alcohol and pain pills, and both are legal, but OMG if you say weed, you are bad. I never seen someone killed in a car by a high driver, but you can turn the news on any day of the week and see the other. Seems backward to me, but hey what would I know.”

You are a wise man, my friend.

Who do you think carried him through his darkest hour?

I believe God did. I believe God is truly what He should be, and He showed up. Let God do it. Surrender is not a weakness when the one you lift up your hands high to is God Almighty.

This story is dedicated to all the people who suffer with drug and alcohol addictions, to those who who are in recovery, to the victors that overcame, and to the doctors, preachers, and substance abuse rehabilitation counselors who care for them. 
I feature below a dear friend of mine who has her story to share. Please click on the link to hear the story told from her heart of her recovery from alcoholism:

You can contact Karen Little by clicking on this link:


Jeremiah's Journey is stories of dreams, of adventures, of compassion and love. Take the ride with Jeremiah and begin with Jeremiah's Journey - 1: Roses Are For Lovers

Praise to my Father for the words He speaks to me.

Copyright 2017 © Jeff Cambridge

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