Tuesday, January 2, 2018

PURSUIT: A Novel – 52.2: Rancher – Wildfire

The Ranch, June 26, 1989
The sheet of flames rose twelve feet as the wind pushed it across the expanse of the plain below Jerry’s vantage on the hill. The dark, ominous front leaned eastward and drew the superheated air as it sped across the prairie. The horizon was bizarre, the azure sky high above, filled below with choking smoke, grey billows that reflected the white fire tinged with orange tongues that licked the atmosphere of oxygen. Without the flames seen, somewhere beyond the rise of the hills in the neighboring valley, one would have witnessed a beautiful sunset that reflected from the heavens—but the sun does not set in the east.
Jerry took in with his dad this widespread fury of fire as they sat mounted on their horses, skittish from the heavy smell of smoke. The scene was gravely different from the spring fires staged to redouble the swell of prairie growth that followed the dormancy of winter—A summer fire consumed the abundant growth. Uncontrolled fire ignited by lightning and fueled by high winds screamed of fodder devastation and peril to cattle and property.
“It’s moving towards the cove and the ranch beyond.” His dad pointed out. “The herds on the open range will move westward out of danger, but the dams and calves—”
“They’re trapped! I drove them into the cove pasture this morning. They’re fenced in!”
“They’ll move towards the river,” his dad said.
“Those flames are reaching high enough to make torches of the river tree line,” Jerry advised.
His dad shook his head. “We won’t be able to drive ’em through the gate to the open range. They’ll be facing fire and smoke.”
Jerry removed his hat and wiped his brow with arms. “Only choice is to drive them across the river.”
His dad nodded. “Best led than a frightened stampede. The calves could be trampled or drowned.”
Jerry took charge. “Okay, let’s head to the cove.”
“You need to do that on your own, son. I need to head back to the ranch and get the firestick. Gotta head off that wall of fire before it gets near the stables and wooden fence line.”
“Okay, Dad. I get the wet job, and you’ve got the hot one. You okay with that?”
“No choice, son. Both gotta be done, and we don’t have time to sit here like women cacklin’ over it. I’m headin’ out. You stay across the river till the fire blows out and keep the herd corralled.”
“Right, Dad. Be careful.”
“Careful’s got nothin’ to do with it. Godspeed, son.”
v v v

Excerpt from PURSUIT, a novel by Jeff Cambridge.
Author of transformational fiction—
Realistic characters in real life drama that tell the story of their transformation to become a better person.
To read the scenes sequentially, begin with
“PURSUIT: A Novel – Prologue”
Located in the May Blog Archive. Click on the episodes and enjoy.

This episode is pre-published. The book will be available Spring 2018.
Your comments are welcomed and appreciated. Check one of the reaction boxes below, write a comment, or email me at lightbycambridge@gmail.com.

This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, businesses, organizations, and locales are intended only to give the story a sense of reality and authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

One mistake changes the course of three lives…

Jessie – chasing the dark side of destiny

The daughter of an alcoholic father in prison for manslaughter and a mother who has abandoned her for her latest boyfriend, Jessie has but one objective in lifeto find the big ticket out of her miserable childhood.

Christina – striving to bring comfort and light  

The daughter of a nurse who served in the Army medical corps, she follows in her mother’s footsteps, pursuing her passion to care for the disadvantaged. A ballerina – a thousand eyes behold her, the dance flowing seamlessly.

Jerry – living in the grey of his circumstances

The son of a sixth-generation Kansas rancher, his desire is to make it richto find the American Dream. A cowboy with a tender heart and crystal blue eyes, he finds love in unforeseen places.

An allegory of destiny and choices, of wasted dreams, of paths that lead to nowhere… of trials we face every day.


Where will the chosen path lead?

                                        Copyright 2017  © Jeff Cambridge

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