Monday, September 11, 2017

PURSUIT: A Novel – 24: Scheme

Lebanon, Kansas Drug Store – Saturday Afternoon, March 11, 1989
 “This small town life is driving me crazy,” Jessie said to Kendra and Irene as they drew their milk shakes through straws. “The mall’s an hour away, and without wheels, we’re stuck with the cows.”
Lebanon wasn’t much more than a crossing where two country highways intersected at the only stop light in town. A historic drug store offered this community convenience supplies—and for entertainment, the soda fountain bar—but it was only open 9 to 5. The gas station was open all night, the only resort if anyone in the county needed anything—Tylenol for a headache, cigarettes for a nicotine craving, and the beer, let’s not forget the carry-out cold beer it offered in the middle of the night—that’s the real reason it was 24-7.
The three girls stared out the huge, plate glass window stenciled with “Harry’s Drug Store and Fountain.” A lone dog sniffed along the sidewalk.
“There’s a marina at the lake that draws the college students from Lawrence,” Kendra offered.
“Yeah?” Jessie perked up.
“Too cold for any fun until after spring break,” Irene said.
“Spring break. What’s to do during spring break?” Jessie said.
“Cow tipping,” Irene offered.
“You got to be kidding.” Jessie stirred her shake. “How about a road trip?”
The three glanced at each other looking for suggestions.
“MTV?” Jessie tossed a suggestion.
“Huh?” Irene quizzically looked at Jessie. “Spend the break watching music videos?”
“Go where the action is.” Jessie raised her eyebrows.
“And where’s that?” Kendra inquired.
“Daytona Beach, here we come!” Jessie announced.
“Yeah right, how we gonna get there? And besides, my parents wouldn’t allow it,” Irene said sullenly.
“They don’t need to know.” Jessie gave her a sly look.
“Like I’m going to disappear for a week and come back tanned, more like sun burnt, and they’ll just think I was camping with the cows spending the nights cow tipping?”
“Haha. You do have an imagination, Irene.”
“Hey . . . ” Kendra’s smile grew with widened eyes. “I just may have our ticket to Daytona.”
Jessie and Irene looked at her expectantly. Kendra drew her straw until it slurped. She idly twirled it through the whipped cream and drew out a dollop. She grinned as she stuck out her tongue and wiped the cream from the straw.
“Well, what is it? The Greyhound bus?” Jessie smirked.
“Remember the RV? NASCAR buff? They went to Daytona for the race in February and maybe— ”
“Road trip!” The fountain boy glanced at Jessie as he wiped a tall glass and set it on the shelf backed by a mirror that reflected the apothecary jars that lined the elevated drug counter on the opposite wall. “MTV has a line-up of rock bands and the Bangles will be there.”
“Eternal Flame!” Irene said, jumping into the conversation.
“Manic Monday!” Kendra shouted.
Jessie sprang off her bar chair and began some dance moves.
“Walk Like An Egyptian!” Irene leaned back and pointed as she laughed. The other girls joined in.
“So, are we all in on this road trip?” Jessie said as she pulled them into a huddle.
“How’s this going to work? It will take a lot of convincing for my parents to let me go,” Irene said, sullenly.
“Well . . . ” Kendra’s eyes played out a plan in her head. “Ken, you know, my mom’s boyfriend, works for a huge industrial contractor. He travels all over the country to supervise these huge building projects like hospitals and stadiums, and . . . he’ll be leaving for Florida next week.”
“And spring break is . . . ” Jessie announced with bravado.
“Next week!” The girls bounced on their toes at the prospect of hitching a ride.
“Do you think he’ll go for it?” Jessie said.
“Wadda ya think, girlfriend? Three hot chicks to liven up the drive.”
“What will your mom think?” Irene implored.
“She’ll come, too. She’s a party animal around Ken . . . acts half her age . . . I’m so glad they met,” Kendra stated.
“Where’d they meet?” Irene said.
“Daytona 500 last year. She loves fast cars and hot bods . . . ”
The wheels in Jessie’s head churned with a scheme . . .

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Copyright 2017  © Jeff Cambridge

Excerpt from PURSUIT, a novel by Jeff Cambridge, a writer of transformational fiction with characters that tell life-changing stories.
This is a pre-published scene.
To read the scenes sequentially, begin with
“PURSUIT: A Novel – Prologue”
You will find the previous episodes in the monthly archives. Click on them and enjoy.

Your comments are welcomed and appreciated. Simply check one of the reaction boxes below, write a comment, or email me at

This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, businesses, organizations, and locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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