Saturday, December 12, 2015

Most of you do not know me. You may know me from my Facebook posts. I began to publish my meditations several years ago, this was after I wrote hundreds of them in my journal. God told me not to hide my Light, so I took the courageous step and became a public disciple for God. My job changed, and I did not have the time to post daily. A number of you replied that you missed the encouragement that I offered to walk with Jesus through your daily life. Then, my life changed again, and God poured His words into me. Those words became my first novel. Yes, it is fiction, yet it is laced with real life, real trials, real encouragement, and yes, real love. I write love stories. Not the harlequin romance type, no "Shades of Grey" here, yet I graphically write about what is real in your life. I write on two levels; the world that we live in, and the Spirit world where we find Jesus. You will rarely find me mention Jesus in my novels, yet you will feel His Holy Spirit interwoven in my words. I am a loving and compassionate person. "Oops," you say, "what about all of those politically incorrect posts that you posted on Facebook?" Jesus is a loving and compassionate God, yet he overturned the tables when His House was filled with heathens. So do I. Enough said. Thanks for joining my blog, and stay tuned for more to come about End Times, the times that we are now living. Stay tuned for more about Love, God's Love, and how love will bring you closer to Jesus. I am not ashamed of the Gospel, and I will speak God's Word. Shalom (peace be with you).

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