Sunday, January 24, 2016

Life is the Dealer

If one looks at life as a bunch of cards in their hand, some dealt by family, others from friends or coworkers, some even from strangers, or our society and culture, we have an opportunity to make our “hand” better by sorting together the good and discarding some, yet there are cards that we seem to hold onto or cannot return, those that are part of our being at the time, such as a disease, broken relationship, financial hardship, or a hurt that never seems to go away. It is these “cards” that we should give to the only Being who can deal with them with His Almighty power. Yet, even if we do, life may seem to not change, cancer may take it’s toll, a divorce may occur, bankruptcy may ensue, or depression’s cloud may not seem to lift.

The point on which to focus is that which will matter for an eternity, the rest being small stuff, even if it is a driving force in one's life. I speak of your salvation, the ability to live forever with Christ, and to live here on earth with His love in your heart.

Make the decision to do it now, to keep the Hearts and Diamonds of life, and discard the Spades that dig only deeper wounds and the Clubs that seek vengeance. May your hand be filled with love and compassion and that you accept the card that calls you to receive Christ in your heart. He alone is your Savior in this card game of life. Christ is The Real Deal.

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