Thursday, April 21, 2016

Jeremiah's Journey - 5: "Legend of Lovers"

The sweet smell of rain, the bouquet of tree blossoms that shaded the patio of the outdoor café burst with floral fragrance as the downpour that burst upon the clinking of our wine glasses ended just as suddenly. It was like applause from heaven, the roar of raindrop patter upon the metal roof. Adelina’s smile captivated my thoughts. Why am I, Jeremiah, blessed with this young, Italian lady who befriended me?
I questioned not the why any longer and wondered about how encounters with people are so precise. Then, I remembered. I was on a quest to find, that which is not mine to discover. What is buried in my heart is companionship. For what am I searching, and what do I immediately find? God has a sovereign way of moving us from where we are to where He wants us to be without us realizing it. I ask for one thing and get another, yet both are on my list of desires. Could it be that having both is not His will, not in His plan for my calling?
The bottle of Montecarlo Red was empty.
“Let’s walk upon the piazza, down the cobblestone alleys to the waters edge.”
“Water’s edge? We are far from the Mediterranean.”
Sciocco americano . Lasci che io le faccia da guida. Silly American. Let me be your guide. The river Arno. We will walk to Ponte Vecchio, the Medieval Bridge where the legend of Ponte Vecchio and its padlock of love continues today. We missed the sunset there today, but chissà cosa accadrà domani?
“Ahh, domani…tomorrow.”
“Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Non rimandare a domani quello che puoi fare oggi. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”
“Let’s go, but first I must pay for our dinner and wine.”
Per favore, se me lo permette , ho preso cura di lui. Please, if you will allow me, I have taken care of it. Our vineyard supplies the wine and olive oil at this café. We are welcome anytime to bring our family and friends.”
Stunned, I recalled the girl laying the rose on her table. How could such a small gesture lead to this growing friendship? She took my hand as we walked the piazza. The moon lifted off the horizon, full and majestic, its silvery glow lighting the way. I was in Neverland. Is this what it is like to surrender completely to God’s will? I began the New Year with fasting and praying for His cup filled with His will for my life. I encountered a vicious battle for my soul, tumbling me into my past. The web, its sticky strands of bondage encased me like a cocoon. “Move on. Move on. Move on.” These words woke me at the dawn of each day. I had to break from the dark side of the moon to be reborn with the Morning Star. And here I am in Tuscany, no longer searching for someone else’s lost father. I have found the Father to whom I belong. I asked for one thing; He gave me another.
Hand in hand we approached Ponte Vecchio, it’s amber light reflecting from the placid water that flowed below. We were at the Legend of Lovers.
“Legend has it that if you and your loved one attach a padlock to any surface of the famous bridge and then throw away the key into the Arno River below, your love will last forever,” Adelina offered as we crossed the ancient bridge.
Am I dreaming? Will I wake from this surreal friendship and find myself alone again? I paused at the apex of the bridge and looked out upon the glowing water. She nestled her head in the crook of my shoulder.
“Peace be with you Jeremiah.”

Jeremiah's Journey – 5: "Legend of Lovers” 
Copyright © 2016 by Jeff Cambridge

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