Sunday, December 17, 2017


When we take that first step towards Jesus, He makes His home in our heart—He lives within us. As we continue to walk with Jesus, we move further from the ways of the world where our success or failure was dependent on what we did. Yet, we remain tethered to the world, and as we advance, those cords are stretched and tighten to draw us back. The deciding moment is when we can no longer move forward. The cord stopped us with a choice—turn back to the world to relive the tension of leaving or to cut the cord. To gain life, we must sever the umbilical cord. Yet, God gives us a choice.
When Jesus dwells in us, He is our Savior from all aspects of the world including death—spiritual death. When we receive Jesus in our heart, we become a member of God's Army—we have switched sides. We are not without ability when we turn our back on the world. God gives us the power of His spiritual armor, and our weapon is a sword—the Sword of the Spirit—the Word of God, sharper than a double-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, exposing the thoughts and will of the heart.
You have a choice—sever the cord with the Sword of the Spirit or remain tethered to the world. Which will it be? —An epic transition to be spiritually alive or as an unbeliever, spiritually dead?

"So now, may the God of peace make you His own completely and set you apart from the rest. May your spirit, soul, and body be preserved, kept intact and wholly free from any sort of blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus the Anointed. For the God who calls you is faithful, and He can be trusted to do it." ~1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 The Voice

Copyright 2017  © Jeff Cambridge

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