Friday, December 1, 2017

PURSUIT: A Novel – 44.2: Grad – First Love

Christina’s House, Friday Evening, May 5, 1989
Christina exited the French doors that lead from the kitchen to the deck and held a tray with a three-tier, custom designed cake. It was a piece of art. Adera spent half the previous day sculpting icing to form a canoe, hiking boot, tent, horse and rifle, and coloring them with edible paint. The three tiers represented cliffs and screes to a mountaintop with a figurine man rappelling down its side. On cue, the crowd turned to look at Jerry. He was talking to Robert, intrigued by his insistence to meet with Christina.
Eva began in her most baritone voice, “Happy Birthday to you . . . ”
Robert nudged Jerry. “So, this one is all about you. I think she’s trying to upstage you. Does anyone have a camera?” Looking at the crowd focused on Jerry, he realized he needed to break away to give him the spotlight.
Adera recorded video from the deck. She caught Jerry’s surprised look as the party sang, and then, seeing Christina move across the deck with a mountain of icing, the party split to allow her to walk across the lawn to Jerry as the chorus rang out, “Happy birthday, dear Jerry, happy birthday to you.” 
A display of fireworks burst overhead, and the crowd cheered as Christina set the cake on the picnic table. She lit the “24” candle and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Make a wish,” she whispered in his ear.
For Jerry, this impromptu celebration overwhelmed his senses. An outdoorsman who pondered the depths and meaning of life and purpose, often alone on his outings in the serene of God’s creation. He did not seek attention, but this surprise honor in a world of friends and acquaintances that blossomed because he met one girla unique blessing of friendship, love, and a spiritual bond that he had never before experiencedgave him an overpowering sense of awe.
He looked at that girlhis eyes floating, his smile taking up every bit of his face, his throat aching with emotionand took her hand. The poignant moment penetrated and silenced the onlookers.
“I have only one wish. Christina— ”
“Don’t tell me or it won’t come true! Wish it upon a star and blow out your candle.”
He closed his eyes and imagined. He made his wish and blew out the candle. He reached for her hand and drew her and kissed his first love.

Copyright 2017  © Jeff Cambridge

Excerpt from PURSUIT, a novel by Jeff Cambridge.
Author of transformational fiction—
Real characters in real life drama that tell the story of their transformation to become more like Jesus.
To read the scenes sequentially, begin with
“PURSUIT: A Novel – Prologue”
Located in the May Blog Archive. Click on the episodes and enjoy.

This episode is pre-published. The book will be available Spring 2018.
Your comments are welcomed and appreciated. Check one of the reaction boxes below, write a comment, or email me at

This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, businesses, organizations, and locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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